
Friday, 26 July 2019

Week 1 reading term 3

This is my reading for the week it was mostly about reusing stuff and how we can take care of are planet.  I liked how we watched this interesting video of this guy making these cool animals with things lying around.

Maths week 1 term 3 2019

This is my math fro the week it was just a bit challenging on task 3 but the rest was okay.  I learnt how to do equivalent ratios which was hard at first but then it got easy and fun to do.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Stars and night sky

Purpose:To rhyme

Stars and night sky
Stars, so nice and bright, shines like a light

 Night sky so dark, like wet bark

Sun shines just like a fire at the campsite

The moon has light and shines like the sun light

The six sisters you see them at noon and night they
shine so bright  We see the six sisters in June next to the moon

We see them high up in the sky waiting to say “hi”

Birds fly in the sky and try to say “hi”

People camp to see you and wait for the bright bright

When they see you they take out there mobile
and get prepared for a great smile 

I wrote a poem about the stars and night sky and it is based on Matariki and the six sisters and the one mother.  I used rhyme zone to help me find rhymes so it would be easier.  I learnt that there is six sisters and one mother not seven sister.

Pasifika art

For groups this term we picked 2 groups and we got 1 and I got visual art and we were doing Pasifika art and they are symmetrical on both sides.  Also in the middle I made it look like waves from water which was my favorite part

Maths week 9 term 2

This is my math for week 9 we did some fraction word problems which were hard at first but then it got really easy and me and Armika were zooming past them.  We go stuck on Fraction and Decimal Pairs but we managed to do them.

Glow in the dark Matariki show

Matariki show poem

The glowing shine 
It makes us all blind

The show is all dark 
but we see all the spark

We shout with no doubt and
we blow out and we save the day

Were all surprised and we see no people
Because you all are disguised 

We see mars,stars,cars and also bars 

Were brighten at first then frightened then whiten

We see the star with taniwha all brighten and lightened

We all clap the singing is so smooth
It makes me wanna nap

Matariki darkens the inside 

But then we all clap with pride

For writing we go a option to write a thank you letter,poem,a report or
re write the story of the glow in the dark Matariki show. I wrote a
poem because I think it is the easiest and I like writing poems
which rhyme.

Brill girls-Steam project

For STEAM we made this slide show to put on are display board in this slide show is are test results,are process and lots more stuff.  I worked on writing the results and editing all the slide.  I made this with Armika and Kiranjot.

Monday, 1 July 2019

Reading week 4/5 Term 2

For reading we mostly just read and watched and video and wrote what happen or are thoughts about it I thought this was fun so I would like to do it more often

Reading Term 2 Week 8

For reading we read some books based on Matariki and we also took a Matariki quiz which was really interesting and fun. We also made more videos instead of writing the answers for the questions so it will be easier and quicker.

Reading Term 2 Week 9

For reading we read things about Motat and also about STEAM.  We also explored a website which is about Motat and you can book tickets,look at rides and do lots more on it.  We also answered some questions which were medium.